出生年份: 1935~年
擅 长: 国画
毕业院校: 中央美术学院
创作年代 | 尺寸 | 120*240cm | |
材质 | 装裱 | ||
题材 | 所属系列 | 《张孝友精品书集》 | |
作品描述 | 此画积蕴多年 ,以两年之功完成 ,是作者工笔界画代表作之一 。内容表现〈清明上河图〉同时期 ,北宋东京开封城内 ,皇宫附近 ,亦是古代最宏大巍丽 、著名的酒楼——矾楼的夜市情形 。「梁园歌舞足风流 ,美酒似刀解离愁 ,忆得少年多乐事 ,夜深灯火上矾楼」千家诗中刘屏山的名诗 ,以及《水浒传》 、《三言二拍》 、《大宋宣和遗事》 、《李师师传》中都有提及的名楼 。在《东京梦华录》一书中有详细记述 :五楼相向而立 ,四边三层皆有飞桥与主楼连接 ,临街欢门 、主廊上有歌舞伎百名以备侍酒 ,表演歌舞 ,花园 、廻廊 、酒阁 ,水陆珍餚 、官私名酒,可供千余位客人宴饮歌舞 ,日夜营业 ,每日上桌用的金银酒器餐具重达六万两之多 ,其奢华非今人可见 ,汴京七十二正店 、三千脚店推其为首 ,在宋亡时毁於兵火 。 作者上世纪60年代已酝酿此画 ,运用传统界画法 、西法焦点透视 、建筑考古等法 。中央电视台美术星空专题播出详细介绍 ,其他媒体多有刊载 。 It took decades of planning and two years of hard work for the artist to finish the Night Glamour of the Fan Pavilion, a benchmark of his Gongbi Ruler Painting. The Fan Pavilion was known as the most splendid mega restaurant in China's history. It appeared often in Chinese poetry and novels, including the Outlaws by the Marsh, and Stories of a Ming Collection. In The Memoirs of Kaifeng City one may find specific accounts on the architecture, "the five connected towers house over a hundred dancers and musicians and may entertain more than a thousand guests with classy food and beverage day and night". It was recorded that over 60,000 liangs (i.e. 1875 kilo) of gold and silverware were served at the table for one single day and out of the 3000 odd restaurants in Kaifeng, the Pavilion was the cream what later devastated in war with the decay of the Song Dynasty. The artist restaged the glamour of the Pavilion with focal perspective, traditional Rule Painting skills and archeology knowledge. It was highly acclaimed by critics from the mainstream media like CCTV. |
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